Dave Canyon blogging at the kitchen table

My blog and chatGPT. Is this the way?

The Challenges of Consistent Blogging and boy are there many.

First let me start by saying that I certainly used chat GPT to help me with this blogpost. It was recommended to me by a friend. So I typed in “can you create a blogpost about the difficulties of creating a blogpost with regularity?”.
I decided to take what it gave me and make it my own as much as possible since it’s written in a way that I know for sure I would never write.

How will you know what’s mine and what’s GPT? A great question. I’ll post the original at the end of all this and you’ll see the difference. What does it matter? I think it might matter a lot. Can a person become something they are not by using GPT or AI to make them better than they really are? Smart, wittier, more creative? I could use all that help but how will I feel about it later? Sounds like a recipe for imposter syndrome and disaster.

In the vast ocean of online content, blogging stands as a lighthouse, guiding readers through the waves of information, or it muddies up the waters and drowns the reader with too much information and too many choices. However, behind the polished facade of a well-maintained blog lies the often tumultuous journey of consistency. Crafting regular blog posts may seem like smooth sailing from a distance, but any seasoned blogger knows the reality is far from it. Let’s embark on a journey through the challenges of maintaining a steady stream of content. I certainly can relate to many and most of these.

1. **Time Management Tsunamis**: One of the most formidable adversaries in the blogger’s quest for consistency is the elusive beast known as time. Balancing the demands of daily life, work commitments, and personal responsibilities with the need to consistently produce quality content can feel like trying to navigate a stormy sea in a leaky boat. Finding the time to research, write, edit, and promote blog posts requires careful planning and discipline. Energy is also a requirement. I find that when I have the time, I don’t have the energy or the energy I do have leads to me other things like doing nothing. Not that watching kitten and puppy videos are nothing , but they don’t help get the job done. By the way how are those bald Eagles doing? I guess those eggs are never gonna hatch . So sad.(see Jackie and Shadow friends of Big Bear valley on youtube)

2. **The Siren Song of Writer’s Block**: Ah, writer’s block – the dreaded affliction that can leave even the most prolific wordsmiths stranded on the shores of creativity. It’s the blank page staring back at you, the cursor blinking mockingly, and the ideas that seem to evaporate into thin air. Overcoming writer’s block requires patience, perseverance, and sometimes a change of scenery to inspire the flow of ideas once more. I have yet to experience this. Will AI put an end to this? On my podcast (Dumbing it down with Dave) I rarely if ever have an issue creating something new. I just hit the record button and go. Maybe writing is going to be more difficult. We’ll see.

3. **The Tempest of Perfectionism**: Striving for perfection can be both a blessing and a curse for bloggers. While it’s natural to want each post to be a masterpiece, the pursuit of perfection can lead to paralysis. Paralysis by analysis is real, huge and painful. Every sentence becomes a battleground, every word scrutinized under a magnifying glass. Learning to embrace imperfection and prioritize consistency over perfection is a vital skill for any blogger. I don’t really think I’ll have that issue. I have a big “I don’t give an eff”, “two effs” , or “double effs” about most things these days. I’m quite relaxed about those things. At least I think I am. This is only my second original self written blogpost. Time will tell.

4. **Navigating the SEO Storm**: In the vast ocean of the internet, search engine optimization (SEO) is the compass that guides lost souls to your blog. Yet, keeping up with the ever-changing algorithms of search engines can feel like trying to navigate a maze in the dark. From keyword research to meta tags and backlinks, mastering the art of SEO requires constant adaptation and learning. This so true and there’s nothing I can change about this. chatGPT got this perfect.

5. **The Whirlpool of Distractions**: In the digital age, distractions lurk around every corner, ready to lure bloggers off course. Social media, emails, notifications – they all beckon like sirens and shiny objects ( see dog and puppy videos above), tempting bloggers away from their writing duties. Maintaining focus and staying disciplined in the face of these distractions is essential for staying on track. Focus and brain fog are really an issue for me and I hope that one day it won’t be. In a conversation I had the other day I said that I feel that I’m at least 20 years behind due to this issue and my procrastination. I could be further behind but what would be the criteria to figure that out?

Despite these challenges, the journey of consistent blogging is not without its rewards. Each post published is a beacon of knowledge, a testament to dedication, and a connection forged with readers around the world. So, as we navigate the choppy waters of blogging, let us remember that it’s not always smooth sailing, but the journey is undoubtedly worth it in the end.

So there ya go. How’s blogging for you? If you don’t blog, how do you think this blog went? Do you feel you read something substantial? Did it feel like Dave Canyon wrote it? If not can you excuse or understand why I used AI to help with this?



Here’s the original Chat GPT article:


Title: Navigating the Choppy Waters: The Challenges of Consistent Blogging

In the vast ocean of online content, blogging stands as a lighthouse, guiding readers through the waves of information. However, behind the polished facade of a well-maintained blog lies the often tumultuous journey of consistency. Crafting regular blog posts may seem like smooth sailing from a distance, but any seasoned blogger knows the reality is far from it. Let’s embark on a journey through the challenges of maintaining a steady stream of content.

1. **Time Management Tsunamis**: One of the most formidable adversaries in the blogger’s quest for consistency is the elusive beast known as time. Balancing the demands of daily life, work commitments, and personal responsibilities with the need to consistently produce quality content can feel like trying to navigate a stormy sea in a leaky boat. Finding the time to research, write, edit, and promote blog posts requires careful planning and discipline.

2. **The Siren Song of Writer’s Block**: Ah, writer’s block – the dreaded affliction that can leave even the most prolific wordsmiths stranded on the shores of creativity. It’s the blank page staring back at you, the cursor blinking mockingly, and the ideas that seem to evaporate into thin air. Overcoming writer’s block requires patience, perseverance, and sometimes a change of scenery to inspire the flow of ideas once more.

3. **The Tempest of Perfectionism**: Striving for perfection can be both a blessing and a curse for bloggers. While it’s natural to want each post to be a masterpiece, the pursuit of perfection can lead to paralysis. Every sentence becomes a battleground, every word scrutinized under a magnifying glass. Learning to embrace imperfection and prioritize consistency over perfection is a vital skill for any blogger.

4. **Navigating the SEO Storm**: In the vast ocean of the internet, search engine optimization (SEO) is the compass that guides lost souls to your blog. Yet, keeping up with the ever-changing algorithms of search engines can feel like trying to navigate a maze in the dark. From keyword research to meta tags and backlinks, mastering the art of SEO requires constant adaptation and learning.

5. **The Whirlpool of Distractions**: In the digital age, distractions lurk around every corner, ready to lure bloggers off course. Social media, emails, notifications – they all beckon like sirens, tempting bloggers away from their writing duties. Maintaining focus and staying disciplined in the face of these distractions is essential for staying on track.

Despite these challenges, the journey of consistent blogging is not without its rewards. Each post published is a beacon of knowledge, a testament to dedication, and a connection forged with readers around the world. So, as we navigate the choppy waters of blogging, let us remember that it’s not always smooth sailing, but the journey is undoubtedly worth it in the end.

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